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Buying May 24, 2018

Video: How to know when it's time to sell your home

Are you thinking about putting your property on the market, but aren’t sure when or how? We’ve identified some of the best times to think seriously about selling your property.

1. Your family needs more space. No matter if your family is growing or if the people in your house are growing restless, it’s time to consider a change.

2. Look to the seasons. The autumn and spring are known for being good times to sell your property.

3. You’re not excited to go home at the end of the day. Can you rest, relax and feel safe in your home? It should be a place where you feel comfortable, and anything less should have you looking elsewhere.

4. The local property market is flourishing. Speak to your local agent and look around your neighbourhood. More activity means it is a better time to sell.

5. You’re considering buying a new property. If you’re thinking of moving house, put your own home on the market first.

Contact your local Guild Member today to find out more about selling your home. 

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Humphriss & Ryde is an independent estate agent with offices in Chislehurst.

"You absolutely delivered what you said you would. The service was very professional and you gave excellent advice when it was needed.  You were always very responsive and genuinely seemed to care and want to make things happen for us." Mr B, Chislehurst

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